Thursday, September 8, 2011

Dragon Slayers II, A Lesson Painting, Part I ~~ by Kimberly Kelly Santini

To combat the gray and gloom outside my window (and literally in the news and everywhere I seem to go), I decided today's painting had to be lighthearted and fun.

Here's the beginning of the second painting in my Dragon Slayers series. This one is a 10" square Raymar panel.


I started with a rough outline of my subject, as I was making some shifts from the original reference photo and wanted to make certain the square format was going to work. (Yes, I could have done a thumbnail sketch and prepared more conventionally for this, but I was too anxious to get to work) After sketching, I laid down a bold wash, using warm colors for the foreground and my subject, and a cooler green at the top to help my background fade into the distance.


Grabbing a wide flat brush, I started roughing in my focal point, working from it outwards. I'm not focusing on anything other than defining values and starting to carve form. My marks are sloppy and my color is not nearly precise. I work quickly because the majority of these marks will ultimately be covered with other layers, so I am not going to stress or slave over them quite yet.


(Nope, it's not your eyes - my pic is blurry - sorry!)


Once I covered the majority of the canvas with a layer of marks, I went back in and redrew the faces very carefully. Now I am paying better attention to form, relationships, and color. And making sure I leave plenty of strategically placed "peek a boo pockets" - those bits of boldly colored underpainting.

Thanks, as always, for looking at and sharing my paintings with your friends and family,

COMING UP ~~ PAINTING WORKSHOP "Mixing Color Not Mud": Saturday, October 8th, at the Orion Art Center in Lake Orion MICHIGAN. Email me to get on the early bird list.

Carol Marine

Many of you will recognize Carol's name, as she is one of my long time daily painting mentors. A fabulously talented artist and equally gifted instructor, she and her husband David have never been less than exhorbitantly generous with their support of the art community.

So it was with great sadness that I learned her home - and studio - burned to the ground over the weekend. 

It was just one house of hundreds that have burned - and are burning still - as the wildfires rake their way across Texas.

If you are so inclined, a fund has been set up for Carol and her family.

There's also various organizations that are stepping up to help displaced families, and of course, animals, too.

The flooding in the North East is heartbreaking, and there are hardships all around us - we need not look far.

If you cannot give financial assistance or volunteer your time, please consider sending prayers and karma in their place. Compassion is always greatly appreciated.

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