Thursday, September 30, 2010

أبو الليف يؤكد اخيرا زواجه من علا رامي في حوار مسجل !

بعد كثير من الانباء والاخبار التي اشارت الى زواج ابو الليف من الفنانة علا رامي ثم تكذيبها بانها مجرد خطوبة، اعلن ابو الليف احيرا ان خبر زواجه من علا رامي صحيح بل والقصة الغرامية التي نالت اعجاب الجماهير ايضا.

وكان ابو الليف قد قال انه تزوج من علا رامي ولكن لم يريدا ان ينشرا الخبر نظرا "لظروف عائلية" ولكن الخبر انتشر بسرعة فوجئ بها ابو الليف شخصيا ومن جانبه اعلن انه لا يعرف شركة بست ميديا التي كانت قد نشرت خبر نفيه الزواج ووزعته عبر البريد الالكتروني لجهات اعلامية وصحفيين مما ادى الى لغط وارتباك لدى الجمهور !

وقد ادلى ابو الليف بهذه التصريحات الى جريدة الدستور في حوار مسجل.

صور خطوبة عماد متعب ويارا نعوم

خطوبة متعب ويارا بحضور والدته
في خطوة ترد على كل المشككين في انفصال عماد متعب عن يارا نعوم تمت خطوبة الثنائي الذي اثار الراي العام مؤخرا وذلك بحضور الاهل والاصدقاء، ياتي ذلك بعد انتشار شائعة انفصال متعب ويارا لاسباب عائلية او رفض والدته، وتاتي هذه الخوطوبة لتحطم كل تلك الشائعات.

شاهد صور خطوبة عماد متعب ويارا نعوم

يارا نعوم في خطوبتها
متعب ويارا مع الاهل والاقارب في حفل الخطوبة

Blocked Keys

The etude by Gyorgy Ligeti I would like you to pay attention to is the second one. It starts at 2'15".
Here is what a competent source has to say about the work:
The third etude, "Touches bloquees" ("Blocked Keys"), uses the same technique that first appeared in "Selbstportrait," the second of the Three Pieces for Two Pianos. Certain keys are held down silently with one hand while the other hand plays a very fast chromatic line on and around the blocked keys, which of course do not sound. The result is a complicated rhythmic pattern that gives the music a somewhat mechanical quality. At first the silent gaps are all the duration of a single eighth, but eventually the gaps are two eighths, then three, and continue to increase in length until the texture becomes increasingly sparse. Again, this etude is about the creation of illusion; we see a continuous pattern of eighth notes on the page, but what results in performance are quirky rhythmic patterns that are not discernible to the eye and would be all but impossible to notate in a more traditional fashion to achieve the desired effect.
Actually, it wasn't so much about the listening for me. What put me in a state of awe was the seeing. It is the clear struggle between the hands, the tension between the immobile one and the one that runs crazily above it or under it. Also, the tension of the one that is supposed to stay immobile, simply blocking some keys, but cannot resist the opportunity and spurts out sounds now and again, as if to underline it has total power. And then they switch. And we hear it, we hear this body negiation, we hear it once we see it, once we understand the game, it becomes obvious.
The music becomes obvious. Because it's about music, right?
And the soldier-fingers, constantly attempting to design the space through movement. A movement whose purpose is not something else - like a sound - is a dance. If you ever needed proof, here is one.

Grace Gao Magazine Cover for Numéro China #2, October 2010

Model: Grace Gao (Paras China)
Magazine Cover: Numéro China #2, October 2010
Photographer: Tiziano Magni
Stylist: Joseph Carle

Source: Scanned by sobigsobig @ tfs

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mail Day

Manolo takes all the orders from my shop to the Post Office each week in style
Mail bag
with a very cool Three Potato Four cotton canvas mail bag :)
And every order from my shop includes freebie "Topography of a Bird" postcard :)

Gwen Lu in Editorial for Grazia UK, July 2010

Model: Gwen Lu (Major)
Editorial: Unknown
Magazine: Grazia UK, July 2010
Photographer: David Roemer
Stylist: Andrew Holden

Hyoni Kang in Beauty Editorial for (US) Elle, October 2010

Model: Hyoni Kang (Ford)
Editorial: The New Classics
Magazine: (US) Elle, October 2010
Photographer: Jem Mitchell
Stylist: Kate Lanphear
Hair: Ashley Javier for Keratase Paris
Makeup: Francelle for Nars Cosmetics
Manicure: Honey @ Exposure NY

Source: Zinio

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

ابو الليف ينفي شائعة زواجه من علا رامي ويؤكد الخطوبة فقط

أكد ابو الليف ان ما بينه وبين الفنانة علا رامي مجرد خطوبة وليس زواج كما اشيع اول امس في عدد من المواقع الاخبارية الفنية موضحا انه لا يوجد حاليا خطط بينهما للزواج.

كما أشار الى ان علا لم تكن حبه الوحيد القديم كما اشاع الخبر بل اوضح انه احبها منذ فنرة قصيرة وقررا الارتباط والخطوبة مؤخرا ولا صحة لمعرفته السابقة بها او حبه لها او زواجه منها.


Whole wheat pretzels
Pantry door
Daniel and I baked pretzels today using this recipe.
I used whole wheat organic flour instead of all purpose.
We didn't have pretzel salt so I used a Hawaiian black lava salt
I had in the pantry and sprinkled a few with black sesame seeds. Yummy.
I asked Manolo to make me shallow shelves in the pantry
to be able to see everything in there and I really love it.
We used some left over pieces of pine beams from the roof in the living room
and other scraps of maple.

Ming Xi Magazine Cover for Madame Figaro China, August 2010

Model: Ming Xi (Ford)
Magazine Cover: Madame Figaro China, August 2010
Photographer: Unknown
Stylist: Unknown

Source: Yendor @ tfs

Monday, September 27, 2010

Door No.9

Door No.9
The other side
Israel's side
The other side of the studio that I share with my two sons.
Daniel (age 12) owns the orange chair & Israel (age 14) owns the blue one.

زواج ابو الليف وعلا رامي

في جو من السرية عقد الفنان نادر ابو الليف قرانه على الممثلة علا رامي، والجميل في هذه القصة ان علا رامي كانت حب ابو الليف منذ زمن بعيد حيث كانا يدرسان معا في معهد الكنسرفتوار وكان يحبها وكثيرا ما اثار هذه القصة في عديد من اللقاءات ولكن لم يفصح عن اسمها، ولم يستطع الزواج بها انذاك بسبب العوائق المادية، وبعد ان نشر البومه الاخير "كينج كونج" ولاق نجاحا باهرا استطاع الان ان يتزوجها.

الجدير بالذكرر ان علا رامي كانت قد تزوجت إيهاب خورشيد شقيق الموسيقار الراحل عمر خورشيد وأنجبت منه ابنها الوحيد عمر خورشيد.

Devon Aoki in Editorial for (Australian) RUSSH Magazine #36, October/November 2010

Model: Devon Aoki (One)
Editorial: Hollywood
Magazine: (Australian) RUSSH Magazine #36, October/November 2010
Photographer: Will Davidson
Stylist: Stevie Dance

Source: & RUSSH Magazine

Sunday, September 26, 2010

وفاة عبد الصبور شاهين

عبد الصابور شاهين
توفي مساء اليوم عن عمر يناهز 82 عاما المفكر والعالم الاسلامي الكبير عبد الصبور شاهين ذلك بعد صراع طويل مع المرض وقد وافته المنية في مقر سكنه بحدائق الاهرام بالجيزة، هذا وسيقام العزاء غدا الاثنين في مسجد عمرو ابن العاص بمصر القديمة.

وقد الف عبد الصبور شاهين العديد من الكتب والمؤلفات الاسلامية ابرزها كتاب "أبي آدم" وقد دأب على القاء خطبه ودروسه الدينية في مسجده الخاص الذي أنشأه بعد ان تم منعه من الخطابه في جامع عمرو بن العاص.

Liu Wen, Ming Xi, Sun Feifei, Tao Okamoto & Shu Pei in Magazine Cover for Vogue China, September 2010

Models: Tao Okamoto (Ford), Liu Wen (Marilyn), Shu Pei (Next), Ming Xi (Ford) & Sun Feifei (Women)
Magazine Cover: Vogue China, September 2010
Photographer: Daniel Jackson
Stylist: Nicoletta Santoro

Source: scanned by 212 @

Liu Wen Magazine Cover for Numéro China #1, September 2010

Model: Liu Wen (Marilyn)
Magazine Cover: Numéro China #1, September 2010
Photographer: Tiziano Magni
Stylist: Joseph Carle

Source: Scanned by sobigsobig @ tfs

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dawning Han in Ad Campaign for Brunello Cucinelli, Fall 2010/Winter 2011

Does anyone know who is the Asian model in this ad campaign?

Models: Dawning Han (??)
Ad Campaign: Brunello Cucinelli, Fall 2010/Winter 2011
Photographer: Unknown


Cattelan's Finger

Yet again, Maurizio Cattelan achieved his admitted goal: he is on the covers of magazines.
The finger, called L.O.V.E.*, has been erected in front of the Milan stock exchange for the duration of the Fashion Week happening in the city.
Everyone is happy: Cattelan gets his attention, the public is proud of such a daring representative, the city gets its Fashion Week (kind of) publicized, and the brokers... well, the brokers have a good laugh and continue their business as usual.
That is not to say the work is not good. It is poignant. The finger that is sticking is the only one remaining on the hand. The others seem to have been severed. So is this hand telling the bankers to go fuck themselves, or is that the only thing it can say? Or maybe it's that when you have next to nothing, the middle finger is the one to resist longest.
Oh, but of course, it's made of marble and put on a pedestal.

But that, really, is not the work at work here. The work is to have been able to put it in front of the Stock Exchange. To have shown them the finger and have them accept it. This is what makes a real contemporary trickster - not the sculpture, but the context.
"We want to be confirmed as the capital of contemporary art", the city's administrators officially stated, "and we have to not only mediate but also accept what we do not like".
Which is a hilarious comment, and only confirms Cattelan's intelligence. One wonders how he did it. Maybe what he said was, let's cut the crap, it is a criticism, but it will attract more tourists than you can ever imagine, and will not hurt you in any way whatsoever, because no one is going to take their money out of the stocks after seeing my work. On the contrary, the tourists will leave their money in Milan.
But the controversy remains. “It is unacceptable that the City sticks its finger up to the Stock Exchange" – said the councillor for Town Planning Carlo Masseroli in a fervent discussion.
Masseroli says: "the administration cannot be culturally subordinate to a self-styled artist like Cattelan who wants to use Milan to earn money”.
Oh, that's right, Cattelan made money off this! I wonder who payed him.
So the question is, who is Cattelan showing the finger to?
I'm not sure, but the pictures suggest that the finger is in front of the stock exchange. And is not pointing towards it, but from it.

Which could end this text. But will not. Because even if Cattelan laughs in our face, even if he plays a trick on all of us, he still plays out the crucial role of catalyzer - he materializes the tensions that are already there. He makes us go "Hey! Wait a minute!" He sticks the finger where it hurts.

*The title was originally supposed to be "Omnia munda mundis" ("To the pure ones everything is pure").

Friday, September 24, 2010

إقالة عبد الحليم علي والمطراوي اثر مشاجرة بالايدي داخل مجلس ادارة الزمالك

نشبت مشاجرة عنيفة بين كل من اللاعب عبد الحليم علي نجم نادي الزمالك وهدافه الاول في التاريخ برصيد 108 هدف والمدرب المساعد للفريق حاليا ومن الجانب الاخر عمرو المطراوي مسؤول العلاج الطبيعي بالفريق.

وقد وصف الحضور المشاجرة بالمهزلة الاخلاقية وقد قرر مجلس ادارة الزمالك اقالة كل منهما والبحث عن بديل، في حين صرح عبد الحليم علي بان التوأم حسام وابراهيم حسن يتربصو به لاي خطا حتى يبعدوه عن الفريق وقرر انه لن يذعن لقرار الاقالة ولن يترك ناديه الذي نشأ فيه.

عماد متعب يقرر انهاء علاقته بيارا نعوم بسبب والدته

بعد ان اعلن في اكثر من مناسبة انه ينوي التقدم ليارا نعوم بعد عيد الفطر او ثاني ايام العيد كما تردد تحديدا، اعلن عماد متعب انتهاء علاقته بعارضة الازياء وملكة جمال مصر يارا نعوم.
وذك بسبب رفض والدة عماد متعب زواج ابنته بيارا رفضا شديدا خاصة بعد مقابلتها لها في الشرقية حيث قابلت والدة متعب يارا بفتور.
تقول الاقاويل ان يارا ومتعب قد عرفا بعضهما من اعلان سيارة هيونداي سوناتا عام 2008 ونشات علاقتهما انذاك وتطورت علاقتهما مؤخرا حيث ظهرا معا في عديد من المناسبات كان ابرزها حضورهما مباراة الاهلي والشبيبة معا في الاستاد.

Hyun Yi Lee in Editorial for Vogue Korea, August 2010

Model: Hyun Yi Lee (Silent?)
Editorial: Ice Age
Magazine: Vogue Korea, August 2010
Photographer: Lee Gun Ho
Stylist: Lee Ji Ah
Hair: Lee Hye Young
Makeup: Lee Ji Young

Source: Rosalinde @ tfs

Thursday, September 23, 2010

At Dusk

At dusk...
I'll finish this one after my bike ride with Turbo.
We like to ride during sunset when everything glows :)

Danni Li in Editorial for (China) Rouge Magazine #3, Fall 2010

Model: Danni Li (Elite)
Editorial: Fine China
Magazine: (China) Rouge Magazine #3, Fall 2010
Photographer: Henrique Gendre
Stylist: Alex Slavycz
Makeup: Yuka Washizu
Hair: Diego Americo

Source: FashionGoneRouge