Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lynn Krawczyk And A Silk Screen Give-Away!

The Fibra Artysta, Lynn Krawczyk and I, after recently discovering we'll be taking the same workshop at Fabrications Retreat this year, have put our heads together to offer my blog readers a special give-away.

Lynn is launching a new Etsy shop specifically to offer her services in helping the rest of us create beautiful Thermofax silk screens based on our own photographs and sketched imagery. She is also offering her own screen images for sale, as well as a large variety of silk screen paints.

Lynn will be giving away one Thermofax silk screen and one bottle of paint to use with it to a reader of this blog! To enter, all you have to do is comment on this post before noon (Central Time) on Tuesday, July 20th. At that time, I'll use a random number generator to pick a name from the list of comments, and send that info off to Lynn. (((Please be aware that if your name is drawn but you have your blogging email turned off and haven't provided a way for us to contact you, we will have no way to reach you and will have to draw a second name to win the screen and paint!)))

I myself will be ordering twelve screens from Lynn and spent a lot of time pestering her in email about the best way to prepare my images in order to achieve clear, crisp prints.

Lynn suggests starting with a .jpg image at 300dpi...

and then using a Photoshop Elements filter called "stamp" (or whichever filter is offered on your chosen graphics program) to convert your images to black and white...

And since I wanted just the flower and none of the area around it, I took out the background and thickened the outline...

Remember, the black ares of the screen are what will burn away and that is the image you will get when you screen it onto fabric or paper! If you find you have too much black in your image, you can try the "invert" filter and it will switch the white with black and the black with white.

Because I'm addicted to chaotic abstract imagery, I'm focusing my attentions there when creating most of my designs. These are some images I created, taken from my own photographs and drawings, that I'll be having turned into screens.

Good luck to all the give-away entrants!!

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